Glenfinnan Belt

Glenfinnan Belt
This is the workhorse of all the belts! The four and a half inch cowhide belt is sturdy enough to hang just about anything on! It has a pair of straps, on either side of the double buckles, that are meant to hold more pouches. You can never have too many pouches!
Please do not give us your pants size, that isn’t your true waist size. Also, if wearing over a kilt, take your waist measurement over it since it will add bulk!
Size 32 -56 inches
Color Black or brown. Buckle color is not an option with this belt- sorry!
Please do not give us your pants size, that isn’t your true waist measurement! You have been lied to by pants manufacturers!! You must use a tape measure, and do so over your kilt, as that will add a bit more. If you don’t have your kilt yet, tell us to make it kilt friendly!
Our model is wearing our Black Isle Wee Kilt and a leather Braveheart Shirt. The jewelry is by Crafty Celts.